Last Post from New Zealand

It has been a week of lasts for us. We are really tired of saying goodbye...actually we have been following Blaine's grandmother's suggestion and saying 'see you later'. Some of our friends we will hopefully see within a year or two but for many of the friends we have made here it is unknown.
It is so hard to believe it is over. We packed up our NZ life in 4 boxes that are somewhere in transit on their 84 day journey over sea to get to the U.S. (not to mention that our US life takes up an entire enormous storage unit).
2 1/2 years has flown by.
It is totally bittersweet for us...we are so sad to leave this place but SO happy to be back close to family and old friends. But bear with us for a little while when we get home while we go through our 'withdrawal' doesn't mean we aren't happy to be home.
We fly out today in 7 hours to Melbourne to stay with some friends overnight and then onto Bangkok, Thailand to meet up with our friends from L.A. (Amber and Tyler) who will be travelling with us for 10 days in the beginning of our Asian Exploration. The country order is as follows: Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Borneo and Singapore. This, however, is subject to change at anytime. We are going to aim to post photos and quick synopses on this blog whenever we can but not sure how often that will be...
Please pray for our health and safety...Blaine is of course not at all worried but I am a nurse and have obviously been reading too much. Wanna have a look as well...visit
But don't look too long b/c it might make you crazy like me.
Oh and pray for my mom b/c she thinks we are trying to make her go mad with worry on purpose. Mom-we aren't and I blame it all on Blaine.
No, we are going to be fine! And I feel like there are going to be some interesting stories when we return...
We will be praying for you guys as you're traveling-can't wait to hear all about your amazing adventures when you return home! Take lots of pictures, like Wendy pictures (20 of you and Blaine in the same spot to make sure you get a "Christmas card" type photo!)
We love yall,
p.s. Wish we could be traveling with yall!
I have said a prayer for you guys this morning! It is so sad for us to see you leave but I am excited for you and know that I will see you next year. Thank you for coming up to say "see you later", Kate. Have a wonderful and safe journey, will be following your adventure on your blog! Say hi to Amber and Tyler.
Love you lots,
Been having internet trouble for a couple of days while in Whistler so I just saw your post. Sadness, yes, but I'm sure you'll retreat to your Kiwi memories many times in the future. That's what they're for.
K & B, now you have firsthand knowledge that taking risks, can produce great rewards like friendships made and experiences lived in NZ. I can only imagine how much you will benefit from that in the future.
Thank you, to all the Kiwis who made it possible for my children to live it and me to watch it.
don't eat too much rice in asia. may the force be with you in your journeys... see you soon when you get back to God's country.
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