Yea, us! We actually pulled it off! Starting at 9 a.m. cooking, a short 10 hours later we had a real Thanksgiving meal. In attendence was: Jonny, Megs and Sam, and two girls from work Petra and Marion (Germany/S. Africa). The menu consisted of: Turkey, dressing, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, bread, corn casserole, sweet tea and German apple strudel with ice cream.
We put up our Christmas lights in the den, had a centerpiece of lilies, and tea lights everywhere (thanks to Megs!). It was a lovely night. Blaine and I were pretty overwhelmed with everything, seeing that usually we are asked to bring a salad or bag of ice to contribute to the family Thanksgiving meal at home. Now it was all in our hands. It was worth it though. Everyone was jealous that they are not from America, where we get to have Thanksgiving every year. We even carried on the tradition of going around the table for everyone to say what they are thankful for. We had mostly trivial answers like "I am thankful for golf" or generic answers like "I am thankful for friends and family". Maybe next year we should give everyone a few days to compose their answer.
Hope everyone had a nice time with their family and friends at home. To our family: WE MISSED YOU!