"This can't be the trail...no one could ride a bike up THIS!"--Sammy
"If this is a moderate level trail, I would hate to see a HARD trail."--Megs
"I think we might get hypothermia."--Kate
O.K., everyone can blame me. It was my idea to go on the Godley Head bike trail. I read that it is on the top 10 mountainbiking trails in New Zealand and I should have probably researched it a little more to see if it was within our abilities (and our bikes' abilities). But it truly was an adventure, with some breathtaking views. The crew drove up to Evan's Pass on Sunday afternoon and set off on our bikes. The ominous looking clouds beginning to roll over the mountains were probably a premonition of what was to come. The beginning of the trail was literally straight up and rocky...honestly I would really like to see someone try to ride their bike up that incline. We walked our bikes up and then the next phase included trails with deep troughs, boardwalks with sharp peaks built-in, sheep obstructing the trail around a blind curve, etc. All in all, Sam and Megs both wrecked their bikes but escaped with only minor injuries. Megs bike was broken beyond repair and Sam's bike would only shift between 3 gears. But luckily when Megs bike broke we had made it to the end of the trail (where we took shelter in the bathroom) and the boys rode back on the paved road to get the car (uphill almost the whole way with the gusty wind in their face).
One thing we have learned about New Zealand weather is that it changes very quickly and being an island, the wind blows A LOT. When we started it was warm and sunny; when we ended it was windy, cloudy, and cold. Upon arriving back home, we all rewarded ourselves with Dominoes pizza and watched a movie to "thaw" ourselves out. Even though it was arduous and life-threatening, we felt a great sense of accomplishment on completing the Godley Head mountain biking trail.
the bike ride was definitely hillier than Highland Colony Parkway!
some things never change. what a petulant little flower...
Kate, Ben is just trying to keep you tough. This has been his motivation all these years as he told you were adopted, scoffed and criticized your accomplishments, and rubbed noogies on your head. It worked, didn't it?! Love, Mama
well, i guess it worked...i have no self-esteem and think i am the ugliest girl in the whole wide world. thanks, ben.
Hi there, glad to read it is all going well. The flight there seems like a long time ago! Good luck with everything and let me know if you every visit London, Jeremy (Barrister/LAX-AUK)
sounds like about half the bike trip i took with you once, kate. i would have been crying, i'm sure.. miss you babe. went to georgia this past weekend and saw us loose by three. got to hang out with michelle. i'm doing good. oh, get on facebook now.. you can if you're an alumni and it's a good way to keep up with everyone. love you much!! keep in touch and keep getting on skype. every time i get on, noones there. poor me. hmmm any other news... ? i love you much!
jeremy! how's it going? we lost your contact info, so send us your email if you read this again. we are really enjoying it. how was your journey?
The trip was great thanks but sadly now a distant memory: doing long hours and spending too much time in court. When in NZ managed to go most of the way round North Island and loved it. Got my hire car slightly stuck on a mud track but otherwise went well. I will email you my contact details when I have a moment. Enjoy summer, cold dark and wet here in England, Jeremy
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