Thursday, December 25, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008

We have been busy bees lately. Starting to clean out the house, pack up, plan our Asia trip, spend last minute time with friends, complete our to-do list of activities and make sure things are organized for our arrival at home. Our friend Cat's parents were visiting from Scotland and we had a great al fresco dinner and shared some nice New Zealand wine. We went to the Willowbank wildlife reserve and Blaine saw kiwis for the first time in their nocturnal setting (we got very lucky and 2 of them were awake and fighting with their beaks!). Look how big Andra has gotten (Megs and Sam's baby)!!! She is rolling over, smiling heaps and drooling everywhere! We officially have 3 more weeks of work left because the week of New Year's we will be in Sydney!!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Petra and Tim are moving to Wellington, on the North Island, for Tim's job in forestry. So Petra has been staying with us for the last week while Tim has already made the move north. It has been so much fun! We worked our last shift together in CCU last night. Blaine had to go to the west coast for work, so it has been like a slumber party! We went out for another friend Anouska's going away party and had a good time with a bunch of hospital staff.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
As you can see from the picture above...we are trying to squeeze every last drop of fun out of this place before we leave. We were dice for Halloween (don't know why I had to explain) but Halloween is new to New Zealand and when we walked in the party I don't think anyone knew why we were dice. They still think that dress up for Halloween has to be scary...so everyone else was goblins, witches, and ghosts (just coincidence that the singular from of dice is die?). Oh well...leave it up to us to teach this place about American holidays such as Thanksgiving, Halloween, 4th of July, etc. What are they going to do here without us???!!!
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Sunday, September 07, 2008
We had a fun Saturday snow skiing with friends at Mt. Hutt. It is about 1 1/2 hours drive from our house (better than the 24 hours to Colorado from MS). They had received 40 cm of fresh powder over the last few days, so it was great skiing but hard work! Blaine and I will admit that we took a few tumbles. I only had one beginner skiier knock me down as he got off the lift for his 1st time! The feeling of dread begins when you are on the lift and the person next to you tells his friend "o.k. now let me explain to you how to get off this lift...you hold your poles in one hand..."! I knew I was doomed and even with a headstart he still managed to put his skiis on top of mine. Oh well.
It was one of those days that made us feel like we never want to leave New Zealand.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Feeding lambs!
O.K. there is a disclaimer with this video...Graeme named his first few lambs that were born, not me. These were two of the runts who need special colostrum fed to them throughout the day. They are too cute and they follow Graeme b/c they think he is their Mama (he makes baa-baa noises and they follow behind him as he leads them to their pen). I told him he was like Noah. The littlest lamb has gimp legs but they think he will live.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Right now I am lying in bed with my electric blanket on high watching big white snowflakes the size of your nose falling and thinking several things:
2. I bet this ain't happening in Mississippi
3. I love wireless internet
4. Thank God for electricity
5. Snow makes everything so quiet
6. It sure feels like Christmas
P.S. Ben and Meri...pack your ski clothes.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
It was a great trip home full of laying on the beach, catching up with friends, celebrating the wedding of Jim and Melissa Shelton Galbraith, hanging with the fam, etc. There is just never enough time to see everyone and do everything.
I had one day off before heading back to work and I will admit the jet lag caused me to be a below-par employee. Blaine read in a magazine that it should take the body 5 days to recover from jet lag but I am on day 8 and still feeling it.
Last night we met some friends to watch the Rugby Tri-Nations tournament where the NZ All Blacks played the S. African Springboks. Unfortunately NZ lost but it was a really good game.
Exciting news: My brother, Ben, and his wife Meri are coming to visit us for 2 weeks at the end of September!!!! We are so pumped!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 02, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 07, 2008

- Ketchup is the most widely used condiment in the United States. Ketchup can be found in 97% of all kitchens--a showing matched only by salt, pepper, and sugar.
- H.L. Heinz is the king of Ketchup, claiming 56.7% of the ketchup market in 1994.
- Children under the age of 13 consume 50% more ketchup than people in other age groups.
- Ice cream makers Baskin Robbins tried Ketchup Ice Cream. They refer to it as the only vegetable flavored ice cream they ever made. After making several gallons of the stuff, they soon realized it would not sell...
- That Ketchup is great for restoring the glow to copper pots and pans? The acid in the ketchup recipe helps to remove the tarnish and bring out the shine.
You now have your fill of random facts about ketchup, Blaine's favourite condiment. He even puts ketchup on macaroni and cheese! Yuck. Luckily we don't have to import this item...but if I don't have a spare in the cabinet at all times then you'd think the world was ending.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

what a wonderful link...
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Beware: you could possibly get an overload of kangaroos and koala bears!!!! Don't say I didn't warn you.
The wedding was 2 friends of ours...Katy and Andy, who used to live by us at our old apartment. It was held at a winery outside of Melbourne with an outdoor ceremony and sit down dinner reception. We left Melbourne for a few days to do the Great Ocean Road where many of Australia's famous surfing beaches are and this is where we saw kangaroos and koala bears in the wild! We then spent 4 days in Sydney and had relaxing days on the beach, out on ferry rides and at the Featherdale wildlife park. We even met a couple from Georgia in Sydney and had breakfast at (you got it!) McDonald's! Blaine and I were walking on the sidewalk when we heard one of the strongest Southern accents ever! You can't just walk away, so we had to introduce ourselves and find out exactly where they were from! After leaving them Blaine talked like a hick for a good half an hour...so impressionable!
Here's the link:
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Here is the link:
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Saturday, March 01, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Parliament Building
Cool 'floating' ball in Civic Square
We had a great time in Wellington this past weekend to celebrate my birthday! We caught a flight up after work on Friday afternoon (only a 45 minute flight) and stayed at a hotel downtown. Saturday morning we took a cable car up to an overlook and walked back down to the city through the botanical gardens and city cemetery (Blaine loves cemeteries...I know it's weird). We had lunch on Lambton Quay (pronounced 'key') and toured the Parliament to learn more about NZ government. In the afternoon, after a nap of course, we took a bus out to the Karori Bird Sanctuary just 10 minutes from the city. It was such a great experience, we felt like we were going too late in the day but it ended up being the best time for bird activity. We saw many rare birds that are only on off shore islands and native to New Zealand. Blaine and I enjoyed the challenge of photographing these birds with our zoom lens; it gave us a much greater respect for wildlife photographers. We had a lovely dinner at a tiny Italian restaurant. Sunday we had brunch at Mother's Kitchen and headed to the Te Papa Museum (another thing Blaine likes is museums...not as weird as cemeteries). This is a world-recognized museum of New Zealand history and culture...very well done, interactive and diverse. We pretty much spent all day there, with a break to have lunch with my friend Emilie (my French friend who used to work in CCU with me) and her husband and 2 kids at a nearby French bistro then toured their home with a seaview. All in all it was a very enjoyable weekend!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Afterwards we drove about 1 mile and went to Castle Hill...a hill with lots of random, enormous boulders. I think we were 4 of the only people not going to rock climb/go bouldering (which is actually a sport).
I will post some more pictures...we didn't take our camera in the cave so I will have to get Jonny or Cat's pictures of inside.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
After 3 weeks off and copious (clap…clap) amounts of fried food, fast food, rich southern cooking, grease, wild game, and Doritos, we finally had to come back to do our jobs before things fell apart. After all, neither of our jobs can handle us being away too long. So, now that we are back into a routine lifestyle; we would like to thank everyone for the adventure we like to call, “A Holiday with Family and Friends”. We got to see almost everyone on our list, and the rest we got to talk to over the phone. Thank y’all for making time available for us and sitting through multiple repetitive stories about how “different” the Kiwi way of life is. Christmas and New Year’s felt like it was supposed to feel with decorations, cold weather, and entirely too much shopping; and, not too much has changed since we have been gone – others may argue this. So, thanks.
We thought we would post a picture or two of us working, because no one believes that we do work based on blog photos. So, one post of our workplace should suffice, and now the rest of the pictures will most likely go back to our weekend trips. And, if anyone still wants to try a holiday away from home, our door is always open…..seriously….any holiday, even Confederate Memorial Day - I still have a few friends who get that one off.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
We arrived to some very bad news: Jonny's dad had a stroke 2 days before and is in ICU. The good news is that he is making some good recovery and is now able to walk with some assistance. Please pray for him and his family, for a speedy recover.
We will post some pictures from our trip to Mississippi when we get over our jetlag. Thanks to all our family and friends for all the visits, meals, gifts, and time you invested in us while we were home. It was my favorite Christmas and I have many treasured memories!