Good News!!! We found an apartment today! Had a disappointing start to the day after we viewed a few flats that were pretty terrible. We went in Harcourts, a real estate company, which we found out only sales property and does not rent (or “let” as they say in NZ). But while we were in the lobby, a real estate agent spoke with us and was excited to meet us because she had availability in her own personal rental properties. She drove us around to 2 different apartments and we decided on one that is close to the city center. It is a two bedroom furnished apartment with a washer/dryer. The small catch is that the apartment is not available until September 5th, sooooooo we are going to live with the realtor at her house until then. This sounds weird but her name is Katey Lane and she is very nice.
The pictures are from our walk around the city today. Both are taken along the Avon River which is a crystal clear stream running through the city with shops/cafes lining the banks. We ate dinner with Johnny (of course) tonight at a pub nearby. More news soon!
Yeah!! I'm so glad you found a place to live!! I know everything else will fall right into place now. When do you start working at the hospital? I hope you have Blaine have a while to play and explore the city? It looks fabulous!! I'm so glad y'all are having fun and meeting such nice, hospitable people! Does Katey Lane have a family?
I am so excited for you guys! It looks beautiful. I can't wait to win the lottery or publishers clearing house or something so I can come visit! Talk to you soon. Keep us all updated
chekosloavakia looks so nice... i'm glad ya'll are having fun... i tried to call your cell but it doesn't work for some reason. blaine have you found a golf course yet? brother ben
glad you found a place work sucks come back soon -brad
what does katy lane look like? -brad
Hey Kate...i forgot to give you my email before you left-- it's MissHinds2003@aol.com please email me and keep us posted. It looks beautiful there--I'm very jealous. Be glad you aren't still at Select--census stands at 28!! LOVE YA!!
Good news that you found a place to live. Blaine have you found a job yet. Have you told Kate about our (my) idea for your job. I don't think that Kate would have a problem with that. Hope everything is going well.
Love the blog site! I told my students, so you might get a lot of hits. I love seeing my old brown suede jacket on you - wish I needed a jacket here. When you put on that jacket, I will be hugging you! Love, Mama Broome
I can't believe your wearing a turtle neck and jacket! I'm sitting in a park with a tank top on right now. CRAZY! I'm so glad y'all found a place to live. Tell Katy Lane we are appreciative of her hospitality.
Thanks to everyone for commenting...we love reading them! Kim, Katey Lane has one daughter who is 17, she seems like a typical teenager. Everyone is definitely invited to come see us now b/c we have an extra bedroom! Ben, checkoslavakia is great, come soon! I do miss Select, mainly just the people, not the work. Keep me updated on all the gossip.
bet you feel silly wrapped up in august!!!!!
i'm reading this getting so excited for ya'll and the many adventures you are going to enquire!! Good to know you have a place to stay and a future apt to move into. I LOVE READING YOUR BLOG.. and love the pics.. hope to talk with you soon!
I am so glad you two made it to NZ safely. You seem to be settling in quite well. It also appears that everyone is so hospitable... and no, it does not seem weird to me that you are staying with the realtor until your apartment is available. That just seems to be the way they do things in that part of the world :) I cannot wait to hear about all of your adventures...just don't do anything too crazy! Kate...let me know when you have a phone number where I can call you.
My Darling Kate and Blaine - I love you and miss you so much. However, thanks for this wonderful blog site - Amazing! Is there anything you need that I could send you? Love, Mimi
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