My first day at work and Blaine's first day on the job hunt is now officially over. They both went quite well. I had orientation at Princess Margaret's Hospital that turned into a 45 minute bus ride towards the hills. I had to catch the Orbiter bus from a stop down from our house. Blaine, however, caught a ride with Katey Lane, the lady who we are living with in her sports car convertible...they rode with the top down in 40 degree weather because Katey had to take her skiis by the shop. Blaine now has his work visa...we thought he was going to have to take part-time employment for 8-10 weeks until his visa came in but found out on Friday that if he came at 8 o'clock on Monday he could get his visa that day! He made several contacts in person and over the phone with some job leads and then got so tired he had to go play golf! He actually played with the pastor of the church that we visited yesterday. We decided to try out this church on recommendation from one of our church members at Meadowbrook. It was a very small church that was planted just 6 months ago from a couple of families from Australia. It was held in the community center and everyone was very glad we came and even invited us over to one of their houses for tea afterwards.
I am going to cook a Southern meal for dinner one night this week for Katey and her daughter, Charlie. I haven't decided what to fix. Any suggestions?
Here is a picture of the house we are staying in for 3 weeks...very modern.
BT, I see your're still in fine form-playing golf on your first day of job search- only you could be so laid back to do such! Nice house and car your living in and driving around in these days. I'm sure ET will have further comments about your jelly sandwich always landing face up. Kate, I'm anxious to hear your commnets about your job.
Hey you guys! I knew you would have no problems getting settled in and that you would make friends fast. Everything looks so beautiful. Don't worry! I am already starting to wear Ben down about coming to see you. School started again today. Yawn. I enjoyed vacation so much that I got a little lazy. As far as the Southern meal, I am going to leave that up to Mama Broome-the chef! We miss you very much.
blaine what'd you shoot?
fried chicken, fried okra, squash casserole, cheese biscuits, sweet tea, homemade ice cream.
Cool house. Fix anything with a crust.
im sure it has nothing on select
a few problems with some of the Southern food ideas...they don't carry a lot of those ingredients here...no rotel tomatoes!!! definitely no grits...but good idea on the breakfast for dinner, Matt.
Brandy and I are sitting here perusing your adventure - looks awesome! The group is headed to annihilate a herd of catfish so we don't have time to catch up on all the adventures posted - will do once we're back home - or on Mimi's computer(???)
Mimi is montoring the blog now and wants to let you know she loves you - Blaine, that includes you too.
Don't slide off the glacier and we'll be back in touch.
Auburn is a 20 point favorite.
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