This is just another picture form our Saturday drive through the mountains. Wanted to share a few interesting facts about New Zealand: guess what they don't have here???!! SQUIRRELS. They also don't have central heating or insulation in their houses. Last night it sleeted/rained all night and we just about froze to death. At one point I(Kate) took a blanket that I brought from home and wrapped it around my head like a turban to try and stay warm. I think we might make a trip today to K-Mart to buy a little electric heater. One thing they do have here is ketchup and Blaine definitely bought a bottle the first day we were here (that's for everyone who knows about Blaine's ketchup obsession...he eats it on everything!).
No other news from today...just another day of orientation and job hunting. Thanks for all the Southern dinner suggestions...we will have to see how many ingredients we can find before we make a decision.
Guess you haven't found any catfish?
Kate--everything looks so beautiful. You guys are so lucky...enjoy every second of it!! Phil and Trina say hello :)
Kate!!! Everything looks great. Glad all is going well. Found Young and the Restless yet?? Hope to hear more soon.
Hey guys... Every picture looks more and more beautiful. Enjoy it enough for me since you guys are living my fantasy life. How about fried chicken? Do they fry chicken over there?
Hey guys...every pic looks more and more beautiful. You guys are really so lucky, have enough fun for me too! How bout fried chicken? No I dont neccessarily think that is southern. but cornbread sounds good.
I'll send a box of grits when you call for the camping gear. You never know when grits will come in handy.
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