First things first: most of you know how much I(Kate) love Mexican food. This has been one of my constant cravings while we have lived here over the past month. Now if you were wondering, not many Mexicans live in New Zealand...hmmm suprising. Well tonight must have been my lucky night and to celebrate our actual anniversary we found an authentic Mexican restaurant owned by true Mexican people. It was so good! We both had chimichangas and chips and salsa (although sadly enough one serving is all you get). Oh yeah, and no cheese dip. But other than that a truly marvelous experience. We talked to the cook/owner and told him our story and let him know we will be his newest, most loyal customers.
Now to the weekend: We left Friday morning and Blaine drove me by his workplace. Just a factory in the middle of fields, but good to see where he spends his days. Then on towards Hanmer Springs through the winery region north of Christchurch. I as the navigator made one mistake and we ended up backtracking a good bit but we won't discuss that. We had a nice lunch at a street side cafe and then made our way to the thermal baths. The pools ranged from 27 to 40 degrees celsius (that is cold like a swimming pool to hot like a hot tub for you fahrenheit people). After the pools we took a hike up to the lookout point of the valley and mountains to watch the sunset. We went back to the pools after a bite of dinner to sit under the stars. Even though it was too cloudy to really see them it was great to have the cold air and be in the warm water surrounded by snow-capped mountains. Woke up early and ate breakfast in a little bakery then headed out for a drive through Lewis Pass. Took a short hike up to a gorgeous cascading waterfall...so amazing just to walk 20 minutes off the highway and see such beauty. When we got back to Hanmer Springs we rented 2 mountain bikes and headed off on the trails in the National Forest 5 minutes from the middle of town. This time Blaine got us a little lost, but we won't discuss that either. Showered and headed to The Heritage, the old hotel/restaurant, where we had a very gourmet dinner. I had a rack of lamb for the first time and Blaine had a ribeye. The wonderful presentation of the food matched the taste. Sunday morning we left the lodge early to drive to Kaikoura which is a coastal town around 2 hours away. The drive alone was through beautiful pastures and winding roads and then we turned a corner and the turquoise Pacific Ocean opened up before us. I think we both decided that Kaikoura is the most beautiful place we have ever seen. This is one of two places in New Zealand where the mountains fall directly into the ocean. We both saw our first whale! It is rare for whales to be close to the shore, but the water just off the shore is extremely deep! The baby and her mom were playing and spraying water up in the air and drew quite a crowd of spectators! I was so glad I had my binoculars. We also drove down to the seal site; I didn't see the sign that you were not supposed to get within 10 meters of the seals...so I got some really good pictures! We hiked up to a view of the ocean, mountains and town...wow. The pictures really don't do it justice; you are all just going to have to come visit to see it firsthand. We visited a local winery and took the tour and did the tasting. Wine is a booming industry here in New Zealand, and we learned a lot about wine making. The drive back down the coast was beautiful, but we were happy to get back home, no wrong turns this time.
Kate and Blaine-
Hello from Jennifer from Montgomery (formerly from Jackson). We have been keeping up with y'all through your blog and with our Meadowbrook family that comments. We love reading about your adventures, and it is inspiring us to remember to have adventures here in everyday life. Your posts are wonderful and exciting. I'm sure you will always seek adventures, wherever you live.
Much love in Him who is the most adventurous,
Jenn, Jeff and the girls
Thank you for journalling about your fabulous weekend - this is the dream that you both had that is coming true! God is so good! Blaine, tell us something about your job. Here the leaves are starting to turn and the days are shorter. We are ready for jacket weather to arrive.
Kate is sounds like such a beautiful place...you're never going to want to come back home! Such a wonderful way to spend an anniversary...I don't think you guys could have asked for anything more memorable for such a special occasion. You guys are in our prayers daily.
Hello to the Baker family! How is Montgomery? I am sure Meadowbrook is not the same without you. Mom,it is a dream...I will make sure BT shares job stories. Carrie, how is school...tell Mom not to be too hard on y'all. Is anyone from pharmacy moving to Regency?
What a wonderful way to celebrate your second wedding anniversary. Everything sounded so perfect--just the way that I hope your entire life together will be. We leave tomorrow (Sept 20) to visit Hut and Nan and Kathryn. Can't wait to see all of them. Keep the stories coming; I enjoy them all. Love from Aunt MS
i dont know what that thing is but i want to give it ga hug brad
Wow...if the pictures are that beautiful I can't imagine how it is in real life. I hope you guys had a wonderful anniversary! Is your job still going good? Did you get the new pics of ada grace?
court, i got the pics you sent me from jamie's email address that his mom had forwarded. they were so good, she got a few of her smiling! send more soon.
We'll forget anything we could offer here for an anniversary- what beautiful scenery! I can't wait to come see you guys-can't take vacation in Dec. so it will be some time after that-probably after Dad retires Jan 1. NZ looks like a wonderful place to retire!
Kate and Blaine,
I loved reading about your weekend adventures and all the fun yall had hiking and driving with all the beautiful scenary. Kate, you're just like me when it comes to breaking rules if it means getting a 'once in a lifetime picture' of wildlife. Kind of like the bears in Yellowstone we saw, eh? :) I think of you two every day and pray that God is watching over you and blessing you along this awesome journey you're on together! All our love to both of you!!
First of all, watching the video made me tear up and realize how much I miss my little Kate!! What a joy it always is to see her get excited about adventure.. Europe memories and college memories flood my mind :) I sound so poetic.. anyway, i miss you and am praying for you both daily. Keep posting videos. It keeps you closer to home for me!
First of all, watching the video made me tear up and realize how much I miss my little Kate!! What a joy it always is to see her get excited about adventure.. Europe memories and college memories flood my mind :) I sound so poetic.. anyway, i miss you and am praying for you both daily. Keep posting videos. It keeps you closer to home for me!
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