Today, September 10th 2006, my Mimi turned 89 years old! Mimi has had (and continues to have) such an impact on my life by her example of love, generosity, and spirit! To this day she continues to serve her church, her community (by delivering Meals on Wheels weekly), and her family with amazing energy and enthusiasm. I am so sad to be halfway around the world and missing out on the celebration of her birth. A world traveler herself, she is the only family member I have that has been to New Zealand already. I can only hope that I will grow into a woman as kind and servant-hearted as my Mimi. I love you, Mimi!
Have I told you that Kathryn was born on 8/21/2006. She weighed 6 1/2 pounds and has lots of black hair. She is beautiful and Lynn calls her our china doll. We plan to go to see her on 9/21 so we can celebrate her 1 month birthday. Love getting to share in all your fun times. Keep them up.
I turned comment moderation on and so none of the comments posted until I turned it off.
Oktoberfest...need to hear some details. I'll comment on your blog.
Aunt Mary Sue, hut sent me a photo link to see pics of beautiful Kathryn but i was unable to pull it up. if all else fails, maybe mom could bring some copies in December when she visits.
Awesome. In the states sometimes that term could be good and sometimes bad. You're lucky, in this case it's good. My dad showed my your blog when I was home and just thought to look at it again. Kate, be careful with that ice pick thing. Blaine, I'd sleep with one eye open. Have fun you guys!! Take care!!
I love this pic Kate!!!! Isn't she precious...
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